Craniosacral Therapy, Massage and Reflexology
foot massage, feet, massage, reflexology

Autumn is here.  Beautiful colors outside. Nature brings forth is last fruits for the year and gets ready to wind down for the winter.  Why shouldn’t we humans do the same?  Take time to reflect and start to wind down.  Have you considered a foot reflexology massage?

Getting the tensions out from being on your feet all day long? Gift yourself some time to relax after the stressful spring and summer.

Foot reflexology massage is one of my favorite ways to wind down and give some thanks to the feet, carrying us around day in day out.

It is one Micha’s favorite things to receive. Also giving this most wonderful massage to clients and a chance to unwind and relax.

Have a wonderful Autumn!

Best Wishes


foot massage, feet, massage, reflexology Book Now